The company Nedbox group offers the possibility of joint work with manufacturers, suppliers and buyers, on the territory of the Russian Federation, EAEC Customs Union, so and his beyond.
Our capabilities in of Chinese People's Republic, allows us to receive reliable information about the supplier, factory, and make inspections the supplied products on export from Chinese People's Republic.
We provide a full range services such as with manufacturers, with potential importers / buyers of companies from EAEC Customs Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS, Chinese People's Republic, European countries, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Turkey, Arab Republic of Egypt, Countries of the Persian Gulf, Arab countries, United States of America, Caribbean countries, Latin America countries.
Goals and tasks
- The Nedbox supports cooperation between the Russian government in educational, science and technology and innovation policy;
- Develop the best option of cooperation;
- The development of Economic Co;
- Strengthening mutual trust and good-neighbourly relations between the company partners from the participating countries Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS, the EAEC Customs Union, CIS, European Union, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Turkey, Arab Republic of Egypt, Countries of the Persian Gulf, Arab countries, United States of America, Caribbean countries, Latin America countries.
- Implementation of international programs and projects in which involved our company;
- Organization of preparation and implementation of international cooperation in the sphere of scientific and technical activities;
- The implementation of programmes and projects of international and interregional cooperation and communications, Information Technology;
- Fostering relationships with state and municipal institutions, representatives of commercial and noncommercial organizations, for international and interregional cooperation;
- Expansion of geography of sales and increase their quantity.