Consent to the processing of personal data (Russian company Nedbox Limited)
Last updated: July 6, 2017
To provide access to all Internet resources portal and full use of the user, the provisions of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 number 152-FZ "On Personal Data", the user gives the company Nedbox Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the portal Administration) registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, (BIN) 1117746498561 INN 7734659079 / KPP 773401001, address: 123060, Moscow, Raspletina Street, 19, their consent to the processing of their personal (including, without limitation:. The collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including transfer) depersonalization, blocking, destruction, as well as the implementation of any other actions of personal data in accordance with the Russian legislation in the field of personal data) and confirms that giving such consent, the user acts on their own and in their own interest or in the interest of third parties.
If the user acts in the interests of third parties, he confirms his consent of third parties to the transmission and processing of their personal data and provides the portal Administration the right to pursue any action in relation to such personal data as are necessary in order to achieve the above objectives.
Consent to the processing of personal data of the User shall be deemed received by the Administration portal after selecting the User option "Sign me up", located in the application form for registration in a centralized system of registration (hereinafter - CSR).
This consent to the processing of personal data is valid until its withdrawal by the User. Consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked at any time by the User written notification of the Administration portal, signed by User (authorized representative). The User agrees that such a review may result in termination of access to Internet resources portal, including the termination of the provision of electronic trading platform, which is accessed through the "Internet" network on the site, and termination of the Rules of organizing and conducting electronic auctions.
The present agreement on the processing of personal data by the Administration of the portal is subject to change and / or supplement.
Notice of introduction of amendments and / or additions made by the Administration portal through mandatory placement at:, as well as by giving notice of such changes and / or additions to the Personal account of the User.
All changes and / or additions to the Administration Portal on their own initiative and not related to changes in the Russian legislation, shall enter into force and become binding from the date of issue at:
All changes and / or additions to the Administration portal in connection with the change of the Russian Federation shall come into force simultaneously with the entry into force of amendments and / or additions to these acts.
In case of disagreement with the amended User Consent to the processing of personal data changes and / or additions to this agreement before it can be withdrawn by the Administration portal notification of non-acceptance of the new wording.
User is deemed to have accepted legally binding amended (changes and / or additions) consent to the processing of personal, if within seven days from the date of posting the new version of the portal administration is not received from the User notice of non-acceptance of the new edition.